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Exporting Timelines to PDF or Images


Exporting Timelines is a must for legal advisors. Maybe you have to present it in court (without a presentation device) or include it in litigation documents. Juristic supports a variety of different export formats, for example you can export your timeline in A0-A4 format. You can also choose to download it in a vertical or horisontal format.

With Juristic, you can export your Timelines in two ways:

Image (.jpg)

The image export works exactly as the whiteboard image export - it's simply a picture of what you can currently see in the Timeline, which can be great in some circumstances - but too inflexible in others.

We always recommend using the PDF export function which will generate a beautiful PDF version. You can add a legend, indication of passivity and - of course - your logo (if your organisation has purchased the CVI / whitelabel add-on. The PDF version will also generate a ZIP file with the documents and attachments, sorted by the Timeline dates.

Use the interactive guide below - or scroll past it to see the step-by-step guide.

You will learn how to

Open the Export window
Change the settings for your download
Select the events that want included and click "Download"

Interactive guide

Step-by-step guide

Tip: Click the images (or hover your mouse over them) to play the recorded GIF.

1. Open the Export window

To export your timeline to PDF or images, select the "Export" button in the Workspace Menu in the top left corner. You will have the option to either download a screenshot of what you can currently see in the window - or to download it as a PDF. If you organisation has enabled it, you can also download a document with particulars of claim - generated based on your timeline contents.

2. Change the settings for your download

You can change the settings for your download, for example the document format. Some settings are only available for specific page formats. For example, you can only display passivity on a vertical timeline export. To change settings, click "Download settings":

"Include notes": if enabled, the exported Timeline will also include your internal notes. Generally, internal notes are not included in the export - but in some situations, you may need to add it. For example, it can be useful when using the exported timeline in the submission.
"Include emails": if enabled, the system will include the emails in the downloaded ZIP-file as well.
"Include email attachments": if enabled, the system will extract the email attachments and put them in a separate folder in the ZIP-file.
"Include files": if enabled, the system will include the uploaded documents or other files in the downloaded ZIP-files.
"Use Timeline colours": if enabled, the colours of the downloaded PDF-file will reflect the background and text colours of your events rather than use your organisation's visual guidelines
"Per page legend": if enabled, the downloaded PDF-file will include a legend on all pages instead of just at the end of the document
"Size options": lets you select different sizing options for your downloaded PDF-file
"Landscape format": if enabled, the exported Timeline will be in a landscape format, rather than a vertical one

3. Select the events that want included and click "Download"

When you have defined your settings, simply select the events to include in your download - or click "Check all" - and you will get a ZIP-file with the PDF timeline and potential emails and files. Click "Download" to download the ZIP-file.

Updated on: 24/01/2024