Articles on: Juristic Basics

Timeline Basics


Juristic Timeline is a smart timeline and overview tool for lawyers and other advisors. It is not just a timeline tool (although that's how we sometimes market it). It's designed with actual insight into how lawyers work - by lawyers.

What makes it best-in-class? Here's just a few of the unique features of Juristic Timeline:

Email import: create timelines automatically just by dragging emails from your Outlook, including JuristIQ powered email splits that checks for duplicates
Document import with PDF split and AI: create timelines automatically by just dragging files from your computer, including long scans that you can split into multiple files
Beautiful PDF export that's not just a picture (includes a sorted list of your documentation)

Since the tools are built in close collaboration with industry leaders - and Juristic was founded and funded by people with a unique insight into the legal industry - the platform is capable of creating actual deliverables and helping lawyers with their tasks in the entire legal value chain.

In this guide you can learn how to

Use the base features of Juristic Timeline
Navigate the menus

Use the base features of Juristic Timeline

Using Juristic Timeline is very easy. In order to make it as easy as possible, we have created two guides for you: an interactive, which you can try just below, and a step-by-step guide which you will be able to find just below it!

8 steps to get started with the base features


That you have created or are a member of a Group.
That you have created or are a member of a Case.

If you need help with these, please find a quick guide here or read more about navigating Juristic here.

8 quick steps to get started

Tip: Click the images (or hover your mouse over them) to play the recorded GIF.

In the following steps you will get a basic understanding of how Juristic Timeline works with links to additional in-depth resources. Please remember that we are always here to help if you need additional help.

Here's what we will guide you through:

Create a new Timeline
How to make events (manually)
How to add a date range
Sub-timelines and moving events
How to import files and emails (auto-generate timelines)
Searching, filtering and sorting
Exporting to PDF - and export formats
Adding sticky notes

1. Create a new Timeline

To create a new Timeline, you have to be inside a Case. When you are there, you will see a list of all whiteboards, timelines and tasks relevant to that specific Case. Click "Create new", fill out a name and click "Save".

2. How to make events manually

To make manual events, click the '+' icon in the middle of the screen or in the left side menu (the "Content Menu") - or the smaller '+' icon anywhere empty on the timeline. Fill out the form to create an event. If you want to automate timelines, go to step 5.

Adding documents, people, or tags will make them available in the entire timeline
If a document is added in a Group, it will automatically be available in all timelines in that Group

3. How to add a date range

You can add date ranges to your events by clicking "Click here to add an end date" and filling out the extra date fields. This will add an end date in the timeline as well as an animated range marker.

4. Sub-timelines and moving events

To create a sub-timeline, hover the mouse on the line and click the double arrow icon. To move events to an existing sub-timeline, hover your mouse on an existing event, click the icon with four arrows. Tip: You can add multiple events to move them all at once. Then find a blue link marker, hover on it and click the arrow corresponding to how you want the selected events to attach.

5. How to import files and emails (auto-generate timelines)

You can import files and emails by clicking the "Import" button in the left menu (the "Content Menu"). Select what you want to import and drag the emails or files into the grey 'drop zone'. If you are importing PDFs, you will get the option to split them or use our AI engine, JuristIQ, when you click "Upload".

Read more about using the email and file import tool here

6. Searching, filtering and sorting

You can find the filter and sorting tools in the top left menu (the "Workspace Menu").

Using filters will highlight the events that match the given criteria. For example, if you select a person, only the events where this person has been added will be highlighted. You can mix and match these criteria.
Using the search tool will perform a search across events in the entire timeline. Document search will be ready soon!

7. Exporting to PDF - and export formats

You can export your timeline in a variety of different formats - and if your organisation has purchased the CVI add-on, it will automatically match your design guidelines. From size to colours and orientation, there's a lot of options:

Read more about exporting documents here
Read more about importing Excel table timelines here

8. Adding sticky notes

You can add sticky notes by dragging the sticky note icon into the workspace. The icon is located in the bottom of the left primary menu (the "Content Menu"). You can change colours and fonts to make it match your workflows.

If you need more in-depth help regarding Juristic Timeline, please do not hesitate to reach out to our excellent support team. You can also continue reading our specific guides, including how to share internally and externally or using our Excel template to import events.

The Menus in Juristic Timeline

When you use Juristic Timeline, you will notice 4 menus and a tab pane. The top left menu ("Workspace Menu"), the top right menu ("Collaboration Menu"), the bottom right menu ("View Menu"), and the most important: the left primary menu ("Content Menu").

The Content Menu

The Content Menu currently has 9 buttons.

Add new event: allows you to add a new event
Import template: import Group templates into the Timeline (does not replace content)
Import emails or files: import emails or files
Show/hide deadlines: shows or hides any deadlines or tasks in the Case
Show/hide document thumbnails: shows or hides document thumbnails (if the file is PDF)
Collapse timeline: collapses all events with the same date and time to make the timeline easier to read
Bundle: allows you to create or edit your document bundles based on the documents in the timeline
Add sticky note: allows you add sticky notes
Manage imported files tasks: if there are automatically imported events without a date, they will appear here for you to go through one by one.

Some of the menu items will have no functionality, depending on the subscription that you have.

The Workspace Menu

The Workspace Menu currently has 6 buttons.

The Juristic logo: when clicked, goes back to the Timeline overview.
Workspace name: shows / hide the properties menu of the Timeline (name, case, etc.)
The hamburger menu: show / hide the primary app menu (sidebar)
Export: allows the user to export to image or PDF
Search: allows the user to search within the Timeline
Filter: allows the user to filter events on the Timeline. Found events will be highlighted.
People: when hovering over the menu, a list of people in the Timeline appears. When clicked, opens a window with a list of people in the Timeline.
Documents: when hovering over the menu, a list of documents in the Timeline appears. When clicked, opens a window with a list of documents in the Timeline.
Tags: when hovering over the menu, a list of tagsin the Timeline appears. When clicked, opens a window with a list of tagsin the Timeline.
Events: when clicked, opens a window with a list of all events in the Timeline.

The Collaboration Menu

The Collaboration Menu currently has 4 buttons:

Activity log: shows a log of all edits in the timeline
Comments: shows/hides the comment pane where users can add comments and tag each other
Active users: shows active users in the timeline
Share: allows users to share their Timeline with external users or inside their existing organisation.

Please read more about Sharing & Collaboration here.

The View Menu

The View Menu currently has 8 buttons:

Presentation mode: shows a presentation mode of your timeline
Previous event: moves to the previous event
Next event: moves to the next event
Legend: shows a legend explaining the different tags and name abbreviations used in your timeline
Fit to view: zooms in or out automatically, so all elements are fitted within the screen view
Zoom out
Zoom indicator (reset zoom): shows the current zoom level - and when clicked, resets the zoom level to 100%
Zoom in
Help center and chat: opens the support chat

Updated on: 24/01/2024